Accounting For Taste: Flexibility and Complexity in Taste Coding

Note: I wrote this essay on my postdoctoral work for a competition (I didn’t win). I wanted to share because I think it’s a nice summary of the work I’ve done over the last several years, written for a general scientific audience. Non-scientists may have a hard time in some spots, but please comment or email me if you have any questions!   Few sensations … Continue reading

Brain Bits: Best of 2019*

Welcome to a special year-end Brain Bits! Today I’ll discuss some of my favorite papers of the year. *As always, “best of” = random papers I found interesting. Apologies to the authors of all the other awesome 2019 papers not mentioned here!   At long last, the sour taste receptor I’ll start with a story near and dear to my heart: the long-awaited discovery of … Continue reading

SFN Bingo

By popular demand (i.e. one person commenting on Twitter), I’ve followed up on my CSHL bingo post and made a bingo card for those of you going to SFN :) And here’s my post describing the SFN experience in more detail, including some (questionable) advice for navigating the meeting. (Yes, maybe someday I’ll get back to writing about actual science, but for now this is … Continue reading

CSHL Meeting Bingo

The 2019 Neurobiology of Drosophila conference at CSHL starts tomorrow! As you can probably tell from the multiple blog posts I’ve written about it (here and here), this is one of my favorite meetings. For anyone going to this meeting or any other meeting at CSHL, here’s a bingo card for you to fill out during during the conference! (If you don’t get some of … Continue reading